How to Install Arduino IDE on FunOS

In this article, we’ll guide you step-by-step through the process of installing the Arduino IDE on FunOS. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced developer, this IDE (Integrated Development Environment) will provide you with the tools to program Arduino boards. By the end of this guide, you’ll be ready to write, compile, and upload Arduino code directly from your FunOS system.

What is Arduino IDE?

The Arduino IDE is a software platform used to write, compile, and upload code to Arduino boards. It’s open-source and designed for makers, hobbyists, and professionals alike to prototype and build embedded systems. The IDE supports multiple programming languages, including C and C++, and integrates a simple interface to interact with connected Arduino hardware. Whether you’re working with microcontrollers, sensors, or actuators, the Arduino IDE provides an intuitive environment to develop and deploy your projects.

Arduino IDE
Arduino IDE

How to Install Arduino IDE on FunOS

Follow these steps to install the Arduino IDE on FunOS:

Step 1: Download the Arduino IDE ZIP file

Open your web browser and go to the official Arduino software download page: Arduino Download Page.

Click Linux ZIP file 64 bits (X86-64).

Click Linux ZIP file 64 bits (X86-64)
Click Linux ZIP file 64 bits (X86-64)





Step 2: Open a Terminal

There are three ways to open the terminal in FunOS:

  • Click the Menu in the lower-left corner of the screen, then select Terminal.
  • Click the Terminal icon in the Tray.
  • Use the shortcut: Ctrl + Alt + T.

Step 3: Extract the ZIP file

In the terminal, extract the downloaded ZIP file to the /opt directory using the following commands:

sudo unzip ~/Downloads/arduino-*.zip -d /opt/Arduino

This will extract the Arduino IDE and move it to the /opt/Arduino directory for system-wide installation.

Step 4: Create a Symbolic Link to Arduino

To easily launch Arduino from the terminal, create a symbolic link to the Arduino executable:

sudo ln -sf /opt/Arduino/arduino-ide /usr/bin/arduino

This step will allow you to type arduino in the terminal to launch the IDE.

Step 5: Create a Desktop Entry for Arduino IDE

To add Arduino to the FunOS menu for easy access, create a desktop entry:

sudo tee /usr/share/applications/arduino.desktop << EOF > /dev/null
[Desktop Entry]
Name=Arduino IDE
Comment=Open-source electronics prototyping platform
GenericName=Arduino IDE
Exec=/usr/bin/arduino %f
Keywords=embedded electronics;electronics;avr;microcontroller;

This adds Arduino to the Development category in your menu.

Step 6: Set Permissions for Chrome Sandbox

Arduino IDE uses Chromium’s sandbox for its internal browser. Set the correct permissions for the sandbox to ensure the application runs securely:

sudo chmod 4755 /opt/Arduino/chrome-sandbox

Step 7: Remove the Downloaded ZIP File

After installation, clean up by removing the ZIP file you downloaded:

rm -f ~/Downloads/arduino-*.zip

Step 8: Reload the Menu

To make the Arduino IDE appear in the menu, reload it:

  • Click the Menu button in the lower-left corner.
  • Select Reload menu.

Step 9: Add Your User to the Dialout Group

To allow communication with Arduino boards via serial ports, add your user to the dialout group:

sudo usermod -a -G dialout $USER

You will need to log out and log back in for this change to take effect:

  • Click the Menu button in the lower-left corner.
  • Click Log Out and then click Logout.

Launching Arduino IDE

Once installation is complete, you can launch the Arduino IDE by:

  • Clicking the Menu button in the lower-left corner.
  • Navigating to the Development section.
  • Clicking on Arduino IDE.

How to Uninstall Arduino IDE on FunOS

If you decide to remove the Arduino IDE from FunOS, follow these steps:

Step 1: Open a Terminal

Use any of the methods mentioned above to open the terminal.

Step 2: Remove the Arduino Directory

To remove the installed Arduino IDE files, run:

sudo rm -rf /opt/Arduino

Step 3: Remove the Symbolic Link

Next, remove the symbolic link for the Arduino executable:

sudo rm -f /usr/bin/arduino

Step 4: Remove the Desktop Entry

Delete the desktop entry created earlier:

sudo rm -f /usr/share/applications/arduino.desktop

Step 5: Remove User Data (Optional)

If you want to delete all user data related to the Arduino IDE, use the following commands:

rm -rf $HOME/.arduino*
rm -rf $HOME/Arduino
rm -rf $HOME/.config/Arduino\ IDE
rm -rf $HOME/.config/arduino-ide

Step 6: Reload the Menu

Reload the menu to remove the Arduino IDE entry:

  • Click the Menu button in the lower-left corner.
  • Select Reload menu.


Installing the Arduino IDE on FunOS is straightforward and allows you to access a powerful platform for working with Arduino boards. Whether you’re creating complex projects or learning electronics, the Arduino IDE is a versatile tool. If you decide to uninstall it, the process is just as easy and leaves no traces behind. Enjoy coding with Arduino on FunOS!

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