Important Information About Installing FunOS: Cursor Display Issue in Live Environment

Understanding the FunOS Boot Menu

When you first boot a USB stick containing FunOS, you will see four menu options:

  • Try FunOS
  • Install FunOS
  • Try FunOS (Safe graphics)
  • Install FunOS (Safe graphics)

If you want to explore FunOS without installing it on your PC or laptop, select Try FunOS. However, if your goal is to install FunOS, we strongly recommend choosing Install FunOS from this initial menu.

Why Should You Use the Direct Install Option?

Although FunOS can technically be installed from the live environment by launching the Ubiquity installer, there is a known issue between Ubiquity (the FunOS installer) and JWM (the window manager used in FunOS) that affects the mouse cursor display.

The Mouse Cursor Display Issue in the Live Environment

When Ubiquity is running in the live environment, the cursor behaves abnormally:

  • Normally, when Ubiquity processes certain tasks, the cursor should change to an hourglass or spinning icon to indicate activity.
  • However, in the FunOS live environment, the cursor remains unchanged when inside the Ubiquity window area.
  • Oddly, if you move the cursor outside the Ubiquity window, it correctly changes to the hourglass/spinning icon.

This issue is not exclusive to FunOS—it also occurs in other window managers like IceWM and FVWM when running Ubiquity.

Our Efforts to Fix the Issue

The FunOS team has thoroughly investigated this issue and attempted several solutions, but we have not yet found a fix. Therefore, we strongly recommend avoiding installation from the live environment and instead choosing the Install FunOS option when booting from the USB stick.

How to Avoid This Issue

To ensure a smooth installation without the cursor problem, follow these steps:

  1. Boot from your FunOS USB stick.
  2. When the menu appears, select “Install FunOS.”
  3. Proceed with the installation as usual.

By using this method, the cursor issue does not occur, and you will have a better installation experience.

Final Recommendation

For the best installation experience, always use the “Install FunOS” option from the initial boot menu instead of launching the installer from the live environment. This prevents the known cursor issue and ensures a smoother installation process.

We appreciate your understanding and hope you have a great experience using FunOS!

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